Categories: Dancers

Cassandra Lea-Saxton


Q&A with Corps Member Juliet Prine

What is one role that holds special significance for you?

Dancing on the Front Porch of Heaven holds a very special place in my heart. I was lucky enough to spontaneously dance this ballet in New York City at the Koch Theatre during our tour there this past June. This piece feels like a very special step in my career, as it was the first role I danced that had such deep meaning. Typically, I dance more “happy” roles, and through this opportunity I feel as though I discovered a new side of my dancing.

Do you have pre-performance rituals?

My pre-performance rituals are a bit strange… I always do my hair and makeup at the theatre which is pretty standard, but for all full length ballets I love to have a bowl of Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries cereal before heading to the stage!

Describe your perfect day off.

I love to make the most of my days off! In the summer, I usually try to get out of the city to hike or camp for a couple hours/overnight. I also love spending days on the lake (so does my dog), and trying new restaurants. On a day off in the winter, you can find me skiing at Alpental or Crystal!

Photos by Angela Sterling & Lindsay Thomas