Categories: Dancers

Cassandra Lea-Saxton


Q&A with Principal Dancer Angelica Generosa

What is one role that holds special significance for you?

Performing Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty holds a huge amount of significance to me because it was the first full length ballet that I took on. Getting the opportunity to portray such an iconic role was such a highlight for my career and my journey here at PNB. There were so many nerves and so much excitement, but it was one of the best times I’ve had on stage. It was a dream come true moment.

If you could replay one special performance, what would it be?

I would definitely replay my and Jonathan’s second show of Swan Lake. We were more comfortable and gave everything we had. The energy from the audience, the dancers on and off stage, the crew, and wardrobe made the show feel electric – it was so exciting! Definitely one to always remember.

What significance does being part of PNB during the 50th Anniversary have to you?

Being part of PNB’s 50th Anniversary is such a high honor. I feel very grateful to work with Peter Boal and also to get to work so closely with Kent Stowell and Francia Russell. To be part of this community of love and support is something I will always treasure. Dancing here has taught me many things about continuing to grow and evolve as an artist. To be included as one of the many dancers that have graced PNB’s hallway and theater is a huge privilege. I hope to always set an example and continue PNB’s legacy just as the company’s artists and staff have done for me

What is the most rewarding part of being a dancer?

The most rewarding part of being a dancer for me is to see the joy from the audience after shows. During The Nutcracker, it is always a fun time to see everyone coming out of the theater smiling and kids dancing the moves from the performance. I want people to see that it’s a beautiful place to get away and to be part of an adventure. Another rewarding part of being a dancer is seeing the amount of power our bodies have. It’s an amazing feeling to complete a full length or even push yourself to see how much you can accomplish.

Photos by Angela Sterling & Lindsay Thomas