Categories: Dancers

Cassandra Lea-Saxton


Q&A with Soloist Amanda Morgan

How does your identity and background inform who you are as an artist?

I’m originally from Tacoma, Washington, so I’ve pretty much grown up here my entire life. My mom is from Dominican Republic, my dad is Puerto Rican, and I’m also an Afro Latina. I think that influences much of how I approach what I do. Whether that’s a corps role in a more Eurocentric ballet, or a more contemporary ballet, I bring my full identity. Because ballet is historically Eurocentric art form, I’ve constantly had to identify with who I am, and push up against that. Ballet is all-encompassing of so many other cultures and backgrounds.

What are three things you love about Seattle?

We are by the water! I am the happiest when I am by an ocean or a lake. We also have a lot of nature around us. Even though there is an urban aspect, Seattleites can still escape to different parks and different parts in nature. To me, Seattle is the perfect mix of nature and city. Working on the Seattle Project, a non-profit I’m creating, I’ve also learned a lot amazing history about the Seattle arts scene.

What significance does being part of 50th anniversary have to you?

I’ve been in the school since was 14 years old, and to be honest, I didn’t think I was going to get into the company. Growing up, I remember seeing all of these amazing artists and looking up to them. It is pretty mind-blowing to think that I am now in a role like that. People are looking up to me, and I now have the opportunity to change things within the organization.

What are you looking forward to dancing this season?

The Seasons’ Canon is an incredible work! Everyone is in it, and I’m so thrilled to be dancing with everyone onstage in that capacity. There is something so powerful about the full company dancing in unison. I’m also really looking forward to Kiyon’s piece! I’m excited to see what he will create for the company.

Photos by Angela Sterling & Lindsay Thomas

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  1. Grrisel July 31, 2023 at 9:15 pm - Reply

    Amanda have the most beautiful legs. She is amazing.

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