Categories: Performances

Maris Antolin


For two weeks, we’ve been honored and excited to have Tony Award-winner Santo Loquasto here at PNB working on the scenic and costume designs for the world premiere of Twyla Tharp’s latest new work, Waiting at the Station.

Loquasto is shown with a collection of masks for the “Mardi Gras” portion of “Station.”
Loquasto is shown with a collection of masks for the “Mardi Gras” portion of “Station.”

Here’s a few images to give you an idea of what he’s been up to:

Angelica Generosa. © Lindsay Thomas.
Angelica Generosa. © Lindsay Thomas.

Set in New Orleans to a score by the legendary R&B musician Allen Toussaint, Twyla Tharp’s latest ballet has a Mardi Gras section that looks like a ton of fun to dance and, of course, the costumes are fantastic!

The Company women will wear Mardi Gras hats and dresses inspired by day dresses of the 1930s and 40s:

Design sketch (left) by Santo Loquasto.
Design sketch by Santo Loquasto.
Design sketch by Santo Loquasto.

If you’re loving Santo’s work as much as we are, or if you’re a moviegoer, be sure to catch Woody Allen’s new film, Blue Jasmine starring Cate Blanchett and Alec Baldwin, for which Santo was production designer.

Golden Girls (Elle Macy, Sarah Pasch and Chelsea Adomaitis) with James Moore in Twyla Tharp’s Waiting at the Station. Photo by Angela Sterling.
Golden Girls (Elle Macy, Sarah Pasch and Chelsea Adomaitis) with James Moore in Twyla Tharp’s Waiting at the Station.
Photo by Angela Sterling.

Sept. 27- Oct. 6, 2013 @ Pacific Northwest Ballet

June 3-12, 2016 @ Pacific Northwest Ballet

Featured photo: Santo Loquasto in PNB’s Costume Shop. Photo by Lindsay Thomas.