Maris Antolin


Swan Lake marks Company member Brittany Reid’s final performances with Pacific Northwest Ballet. Ms. Reid is from Huntington Beach, California, and trained at the School of American Ballet and Pacific Northwest Ballet School. She joined the Company as a member of the corps de ballet in 2000. 

In her farewell, Ms. Reid shares, “I am going to be married to Demetri Recachinas this summer and will be moving to the Washington, DC area, where I plan to teach Pilates. My favorite roles with the Company include David Dawson’s A Million Kisses to my Skin; Helena and Hippolyta in George Balanchine’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and roles in his Serenade and Who Cares?; Ulysses Dove’s Vespers; and Summer in Kent Stowell’s Cinderella and Flora in his Nutcracker.”

Brittany Reid as Flora in Sendak & Stowell’s Nutcracker.

“I want to thank everyone at PNB—both in the audience and behind the curtain—for an amazing 15 years! You have been my friends and family, grown up with me, watched me grow onstage and off, and made me the woman I am today. I leave you with joy for the next phase of my life and thank you for sharing your lives with me!”

Reid as Hippolyta in George Balanchine’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Of Ms. Reid’s tenure at PNB, Founding Artistic Directors Kent Stowell and Francia Russell reflect: 

“Brittany Reid was an outstanding member of a generation of young PNB women who created the Company’s reputation in the dance world for having the most beautiful, elegantly long-limbed female dancers in the country. In her 15 years with PNB, she distinguished herself in every ballet, every role in which she was cast. Among many, two which spring immediately to mind are her luscious Peacock in the Stowell/Sendak Nutcracker and a dynamic, thrilling Hippolyta in Balanchine’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She could never wait to rise to the many challenges of her work with the dedication and total commitment that are integral to her character. And she could never finish making her performances better and better. Brittany has been a superb Company member and a shining example for the younger dancers following her from the School into the Company. Each of us who worked closely with her will remember always—her bright eyes, her sweet, open smile, her big hugs, and her surpassing love of dance. She leaves behind her, with colleagues and audience members alike, a wealth of affection and respect.”

Brittany Reid and PNB Founding Artistic Director Francia Russell backstage at McCaw Hall.
Brittany Reid and PNB dancers in Crystal Pite’s Emergence.

We wish Brittany all the best as she takes her final bow with PNB!

Brittany Reid as Juanita in Alexei Ratmansky’s Don Quixote.

Featured photo: Brittany Reid as Summer in Kent Stowell’s Cinderella at PNB. Photo by Lindsay Thomas.

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  1. The Voice of Triumph April 2, 2015 at 7:04 am - Reply

    Thanks for you contribution and commitment to the world of ballet. may the rest of your journey be a blessed one.

  2. Anonymous April 3, 2015 at 1:41 am - Reply

    Sad to hear of your leaving. I’m sure that everyone who has enjoyed your wonderful performances wish you all the love and joy in your future life. Best wishes to you.

  3. So Tu April 3, 2015 at 1:55 am - Reply

    Brittany, you will be sorely missed. In your many performances, your pointes barely seemed to touch the floor you were always so light on your feet. I wish you the best, and if you’re ever in Venice, drop by and say hello.

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