Maris Antolin


Meet the NEXT STEP Artist: Noah Martzall

Noah Martzall is from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He studied at Walnut School of the Arts and Pacific Northwest Ballet School, and he attended summer courses at the Chautauqua Institution, Nutmeg Conservatory, and Pacific Northwest Ballet School. Mr. Martzall joined Pacific Northwest Ballet as an apprentice in 2020 and was promoted to corps de ballet in 2021.


Read on to learn a little more about Noah with his answers from The Proust Questionnaire! See Noah Martzall’s first new choreographic work for NEXT STEP on May 25 & 26 at On the Boards.
Click here for more information and to buy your tickets.


NEXT STEP is PNB’s annual choreographic workshop where Company dancers have the opportunity to create original works for PNB School Professional Division students. NEXT STEP provides opportunity, infrastructure, and support to grow tomorrow’s choreographic talent while providing a performance opportunity to our most advanced students.



What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is falling off a super tall building.


What is your favorite color?
My favorite color has to be blue but also sometimes green.


If you could chose what to come back as, what would it be?
I would want to come back as a corgi.  


What do you most value in your friends?
I most value how selfless my friends are. If I ever need anything they are always willing to lend a helping hand. 


When and where are you your happiest?
I am my happiest when I am performing onstage and smiling at my friends. 


What is your most marked characteristic?
I think my most marked characteristic is kindness with a hint of sass 


If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
If I could change one thing about myself it would be how hard I am on myself in all aspects of life. 


What trait do you most deplore in others?
The trait I most deplore in others would have to be when someone is a liar. To me honesty is key! 



Headshot © Lindsay Thomas.