Maris Antolin


Meet the NEXT STEP Artist: Mark Cuddihee

Mark Cuddihee is from Greenville, South Carolina. He studied at Carolina Ballet Theatre, the School of American Ballet, Boston Ballet School, and Pacific Northwest Ballet School, and he attended summer courses at the School of American Ballet, Miami City Ballet School, Boston Ballet School, and Pacific Northwest Ballet School. In 2017, he was a participant in Boston Ballet School’s Royal Danish Ballet exchange program. Mr. Cuddihee joined Pacific Northwest Ballet as an apprentice in 2019 and was promoted to corps de ballet later that year.


Mr. Cuddihee participated as a dancer in the New York Choreographic Institute and as a choreographer in the School of American Ballet’s Student Choreography Workshop. He also performed in Goya Montero’s Pulse, which premiered at the Prix de Lausanne Gala in 2018.


Read on to learn a little more about Mark with his answers from The Proust Questionnaire! See Mark Cuddihee’s first new choreographic work for NEXT STEP on May 25 & 26 at On the Boards.
Click here for more information and to buy your tickets.


NEXT STEP is PNB’s annual choreographic workshop where Company dancers have the opportunity to create original works for PNB School Professional Division students. NEXT STEP provides opportunity, infrastructure, and support to grow tomorrow’s choreographic talent while providing a performance opportunity to our most advanced students.



What is your idea of perfect happiness? 
My idea of perfect happiness consists of having a healthy relationship with myself, my family, and my close friends.  Additionally, perfect happiness to me means being able to achieve my career-oriented aspirations while also having plenty of time for my own personal hobbies.  


What is your greatest fear? 
Not living my life to the fullest because I let my fears hold me back.  


What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? 
My tendency to procrastinate completing tasks. (This questionnaire being a good example) 


What is the trait you most deplore in others? 


What is your greatest extravagance? 
Renting a motorcycle in new places that I travel to or anything related to maintaining my own bike.  


On what occasion do you lie? 
If I do not trust someone enough to tell them the truth.  


When and where were you happiest? 
Last summer, I did a high-speed boat tour along the Napoli Coast in Kauai. That was definitely one of the most mind-blowing and exciting experiences I have ever had.  


If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be? 
Definitely a Blue Whale.   


What is your favorite occupation (i.e. thing to do)? 
Dancing and performing is my occupation and I love it. In particular, the experience of sharing the stage with my friends has to be one of the most rewarding and one of my utmost favorites.  


What is your most marked characteristic? 
I will try to make a joke out of any situation. Moreover, I become interested in many different activities quite often which causes me to cycle through hobbies rather quickly. 


What do you most value in your friends? 
Empathy, loyalty, honesty, open-mindedness, and spontaneity 


Who is your favorite hero of fiction? 
Probably, Legolas from The Lord of the Rings or Tyrion from Game of Thrones.  


Who are your heroes in real life? 
My parents, Marc Marquez (a famous Motorcycle Grand Prix racer), and Noam Chomsky.  


How would you like to die? 
Either doing something I love, or peacefully in the company of my friends and family.  


What is your motto? 
Think less and do more.  


What is your favorite color? 
Sapphire Blue.  


What is your present state of mind? 
A bit anxious because we are nearing a very busy time of the year, but also very excited for the summer and warm weather.  



Headshot © Lindsay Thomas.