The Pacific Northwest Ballet Future Fund ensures that the artists at PNB are able to dance, create, and bring you joy during these times of uncertainty and change. We ask that you consider a gift to the fund, which will help keep our dancers, musicians, staff, and production teams employed and insured. We could not do this without you.
Keep reading for a message from PNB Dancer Laura Tisserand.
Dear PNB donors,
When I joined Pacific Northwest Ballet as an apprentice in 2003, I was a young, eager dancer with my whole career before me. I can honestly say that 17 years has gone by in the blink of an eye, and while I may have less dancing ahead of me, I have a lifetime of memories, lessons, and experiences behind me. Dancers are often asked how they came to know that this is what they wanted to do with their lives, and more often than not, the answer is that they simply could not imagine doing anything else. It’s almost as if dance chooses the dancer; not the other way around. And as wonderful as this career is, it unfortunately gives us a finite amount of time to showcase our talent and commitment. Hence the reason why this pandemic has been such a devastating blow to artists around the world.
For me personally, however, our time in quarantine also brought many wonderful things–more time with Jerome and my daughter Amelie before the birth of our new baby Scarlett, as well as an even deeper appreciation for the leaders of this great company and our amazing donors and supporters.
I think “pivot” should be the word of 2020, as that’s what PNB (and so many of our fellow arts organizations) have had to do.
I’m amazed at how many roadblocks PNB has been able to circumvent in order to keep this organization running and its dancers dancing–proving over and over again that art and artists cannot and will not be stopped. Never in a million years did I think that the opportunity to dance for a live audience would be taken away from us, but never have I been prouder to be a part of this great company. I look to 2021 with hope for a brighter year ahead, but confident that we can navigate any challenge that comes our way with the help of supporters like you.
As PNB launches our Dance Happens Everywhere Digital Season, we are inspired and fulfilled by your support of our organization. Please continue to support us by giving today to the PNB Future Fund, which ensures that we remain strong and resilient through these challenging times to deliver beautiful art to you and your family now and in the future.
Laura Tisserand