Amanda Morgan joined Pacific Northwest Ballet as an apprentice in 2016 and was promoted to corps de ballet in 2017. She created her first work for PNB’s annual choreographic showcase, Next Step, in 2018 and will return for 2019’s NEXT STEP: OUTSIDE/IN on June 14, 2019.

“My process for my piece right now is quite different than it was last year. I think last year, since it was my first time choreographing, I was more timid and safe with my choices made choreographically and visually. After finding certain stylistic choices I made with my piece Pages pleasing to my eye, I decided to keep those choices in mind even when applying them to a different setting or story.

My piece this year, of what I can give at least, is a piece that encompasses two stories. One in 1920’s Paris and the other a hidden narrative that I leave for my audience to find. I was very inspired by my trip to Paris when we toured with the company; it being my first time in the city, I saw all the history that it held, especially for some of the worlds most notable writers and artists. I hope I can include even a little bit of my experience in Paris in my piece. One that consists of recklessness, fun, a little discomfort, and unexpected feats of love.”

Three PNB School students dancing in Amanda Morgan's Pages. They are wearing untucked shirts, open suit jackets, and pants, and sit on wooden chairs facing out. Their right arms are outstretched overhead and the dancers are looking at their right hands. They are spotlighted from overhead against a dark stage. Photo © Lindsay Thomas
PNB School students in Amanda Morgan’s Pages. Photo © Lindsay Thomas

When and where were you happiest?

When I was dancing, creating or exploring something new.

Amanda Morgan in Alexander Ekman’s Cacti. Photo © Angela Sterling

What is your favorite occupation?

Dancing and writing.

What is your most marked characteristic?

That how I am and think is unique; I’m not like anyone else.

Two PNB School students dance in silhouette against a blue-grey backdrop in Amanda Morgan's Pages. Photo © Lindsay Thomas
PNB School students in Amanda Morgan’s Pages. Photo © Lindsay Thomas

What do you most value in your friends?

Honesty and authenticity.

How would you like to die?

Honorably and (hopefully) having left my mark for the next generation of artists.

PNB dancer Amanda Morgan onstage as a swan in Kent Stowell's Swan Lake. Photo © Lindsay Thomas
Amanda Morgan in Kent Stowell’s Swan Lake. Photo © Lindsay Thomas

What is your present state of mind?

Determined and Aware.

Follow Amanda on Instagram.

Questions excerpted from The Proust Questionnaire

Featured photo: Amanda Morgan in Jerome Robbins’ Opus 19, The Dreamer during PNB’s 2018 Paris tour.
Photo © Lindsay Thomas.

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  1. Amanda Morgan – November 23, 2020 at 11:46 am - Reply

    […] Amanda Morgan Is Raising Her Voice Against Injustice, Dance Magazine Meet the Artist: Amanda Morgan, Pacific Northwest Ballet Pacific Northwest Ballet’s only Black ballerina is on point about diversity, […]

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