Maris Antolin


Nancy Casciano is from Atlanta Georgia. She studied at the School of American Ballet and Pacific Northwest Ballet School, and she attended summer courses at Pacific Northwest Ballet, Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, Miami City Ballet, and Exploring Ballet with Suzanne Farrell. Ms. Casciano joined Pacific Northwest Ballet as an apprentice in 2014.

What does a typical weekend look like for you?

On my weekends, I love to find different parks or lookouts around Seattle. Coming from Atlanta and then New York City, seeing mountains and water so clearly never ceases to amaze me.

What are you most excited about this 2015/16 Season?

In the 2015/2016 season, I was most excited about our tour to NYC. It was amazing getting to perform for a different audience, which included lots of old friends and ballet teachers.

In morning company class, do you prefer barre or center?

In our morning classes, I prefer center much more than barre. Even though barre is crucial in maintaining your technique, I like the freedom I have to really dance in center.

Do you prefer turning or jumping?

I would consider myself more of a jumper than a turner, but I don’t know if I could pick one over the other. I like the surprise I get from doing one more turn than I expected. In jumps though, especially grand allegro, nothing beats the feeling of flying.

Who has been your most favorite stagers to come to PNB?

My favorite stagers to come would have to be when Janie Taylor and Craig Hall came this year for Justin Peck’s Year of the Rabbit. As a student, I spent years watching them on stage, so it was amazing to get to work with them in the studio as a professional dancer.

Read more Q&A’s with Dancers, Choreographers, & Staff.

Photos: Nancy Casciano in George Balanchine’s Square Dance. (c) Lindsay Thomas.