Categories: Dancers

Cassandra Lea-Saxton


Q&A with Apprentice Larry Lancaster

What are you most looking forward to for the 50th Anniversary season?

What I’m most looking forward to for the 50th Anniversary season is the wealth of wisdom I’m going to gain after a year of being a professional dancer. I’m so excited to be a sponge by learning from my colleagues pertaining to technique, the rehearsal process, working smarter not harder, finding out what works best for me to perform successfully, networking, and learning how to more vividly evoke emotions in audience members.

What is the most rewarding part of being a dancer?

The most rewarding part about being a dancer is the indescribable sensation of performing on stage for a live audience. Also, being able to create a legacy for the next generation of young black dancers to be inspired by.

Do you have talents or passions outside of dance?

My passions and talents outside of dance are music, fashion, and poetry. Despite dance being my main focus, as a person, I see myself as an all-encompassing artist. I have been passionate about music all my life, and my main focuses before ballet were playing the piano and musical theater. Every time I hear a beautifully written song that is able to encapsulate mine or others’ emotions, along with ear catching melodies and unique production, it evokes and inspires the artist in me. Fashion is a lifestyle for me that is implemented into almost everything I do at all times. I love to express myself through what I wear because how I present myself externally is usually related to how I feel on the inside. Considering how I feel on the inside is ever evolving, it is fun to explore all possibilities while getting dressed as the days goes on. I’m also immensely intrigued and interested in the process of fashion design and the pioneers of fashion who have affected the way we dress without us even realizing it. Lastly, poetry is just a fun way for me to get my feelings out and play with words in various ways.

Photos by Angela Sterling & Lindsay Thomas