Categories: Life at PNB

Maris Antolin


Ballet Book Rec: Peter Boal’s New Book Illusions of Camelot: A Memoir

With sunny skies and 80-degree forecasts here in Seattle, we are ready to get our summer reading started here at PNB! If you’re looking for something to add to your summer reading list, we recommend Illusions of Camelot: A Memoir, Peter Boal’s new book. Although not exactly a beach read, it is certainly a barre read perfect for any ballet fan!

Peter Boal’s new book Illusions of Camelot: A Memoir details his path from a young boy in Bedford, New York to an emerging ballet star in Manhattan. This intimate book describes Peter’s many influences: his environments, his mentors, and more. Step into his shoes as he takes class at the School of American Ballet; meet Hattie Lindsay, Peter’s spirited and beloved caretaker; and pause at George Balanchine’s hospital bed. With Peter’s career as a principal dancer at New York City Ballet and his training under George Balanchine, any balletomane would be intrigued and inspired by Peter’s story. PNB fans can especially gain interesting insight from this book.

Illusions of Camelot speaks to the passions, perspectives, and places that shape the leader of this company. On May 23, 2023, Illusions of Camelot comes out in a sleek hardback edition. Click here to purchase the book online at 

If you’d like to learn even more about Peter, his story, and his writing process, you can catch him at a number of book events in the Seattle area this spring, including:

Step away from the barre and piqué into your bookish side with a great read and a fun book event!

Need even more ballet book recommendations? Luckily for you, PNB has many more authors in our midst. Check out this blog post all about our talented staff and the books they’ve written.