Categories: Dancers

Cassandra Lea-Saxton


Q&A with Principal Dancer Lucien Postlewaite

What are you most looking forward to for the 50th Anniversary Season?

I am most looking forward to our exciting rep. I absolutely love working with choreographers to create new works (which we have a few of this season) and I’m very excited about the return of Giselle, the chance to dance Crystal Pite’s The Seasons’ Canon, and Balanchine’s Duo Concertant.

What is one role that holds special significance for you?

Roméo in Jean-Christophe Maillot’s Roméo et Juliette.

What is the most rewarding part of being a dancer?

Getting to share my soul through my physicality is liberating, scary, and supremely fulfilling. I love working with a team to create magic moments for the audience.

How has your approach to the career changed over time?

As a seasoned dancer, I can trust myself. My relationship with my body has evolved, as has my knowledge of how to economize my energy usage for maximum effect, and how to move my body to create a desired emotion or feeling. Dance is as much about space and quiet as it is about movement.

Do you have talents or passions outside of dance?

I have a kombucha business, THE BATCH. I love to socialize, adventure, and experience all the wonder that life has to offer.

What significance does being part of PNB during the 50th Anniversary have to you?

This is PNB’s 50th anniversary, and my 20th year as a professional dancer. I’ve spent the majority of my career at PNB and have enjoyed bearing witness to this company’s history and evolution, as I continue to evolve professionally. This is a remarkable company, and I am honored to have given so much of myself to the PNB stage and to have shared so many beautiful moments with my partners, colleagues, company, and audience.

Photos by Angela Sterling & Lindsay Thomas