Maris Antolin


Lindsay Thomas is PNB’s resident videographer. The videos you admire on social media are all her work and she frequently photographs the Company too. She had the dancing bug at a young age and trained in ballet. Although she never pursued a professional career in dance, she started expressing her love of the art form through visual outlets. She knocked on PNB’s Marketing door and the rest is history. Her goal is to “catch each dancer at their most beautiful moment and to create images that will inspire other people to love this art form as much as I do.”

Check out Lindsay’s work

{PNB’s YouTube channel}

{Lindsay’s Portfolio}

While on PNB’s tour to New York last February, Lindsay shadowed the dancers to capture the buzz. As if that wasn’t enough, she spent one day as a guest contributor for the New York Magazine Instagram account. These images and videos are too good not to share with our loving PNB fans.

Many of the days on tour, Lindsay and I would find ourselves working side-by-side trying to find internet in the City Center building. Lindsay would be posting content through various medias and I would be writing for PNB’s blog. It was such fun!

Check out the related posts about PNB Tour: New York City Center

NYC Tour: A Day in the City

NYC Tour: Day 1 Rehearsals

NYC Tour: Balanchine Program

NYC Tour: Contemporary Innovators