Maris Antolin


Artistic Director’s Notebook: After the Rain

After the Rain pas de deux
Music: Arvo Pärt (Spiegel im Spiegel, 1978)
Choreography: Christopher Wheeldon
Staging: Damian Smith
Costume Design: Holly Hynes
Lighting Design: Mark Stanley

PREMIERE: January 22, 2005; New York City Ballet
PNB PREMIERE: September 20, 2008

“Spare and poignant, the duet intimates a renewal of faith, a reburgeoning of love.” — Village Voice

Christopher Wheeldon’s pas de deux from After the Rain is the second half of a two-part work, the first of which features an ensemble of three couples dancing to Arvo Pärt’s Tabula Rasa. The following pas de deux is performed to Pärt’s spare and tender duet for piano and violin, Spiegel im Spiegel. The ballerina is dressed in pink and her partner is bare-chested. In a series of unfolding partnering movements, the dancers explore the shifting emotions of their relationship.

Sep. 23-Oct. 2, 2011
Marion Oliver McCaw Hall

Featured photo: PNB soloists Rachel Foster and James Moore in
Christopher Wheeldon’s After the Rain pas de deux. Photo © Angela Sterling.